
  • Mystery Packs
    5.5% Daily Profit for 24 days

    $25 - $19,999
    10% Referral Commission
    Random items included in the packs
  • Booster Packs
    11% Daily Profit for 3 days

    $20,000 - $49,999
    10% Referral Commission
    Bundles of 1 to 8 digital trading reward cards 🏆
  • Mega Packs
    15% Daily Profit for 14 days

    $50,000 - Unlimited
    10% Referral Commission
    Large bundles of digital trading reward cards (+15)

ApexfundNFT Plans

ApexfundNFT offers five profitable plan.

These five plans accomodates all our investors with the minimum deposit ranging from $25 to any maximum amount you can afford.

A Crypto Collectible Company Backed By
  • Convienence
  • Reliability
  • Knowledge
Start Trading NFTs Today

How to Start Trading

To start trading with us, you must create a trading account. At the sign-up point, we only request the following information:

  • Step 1: Account Information

    • Your username. Your username is the trading name you wish to use on our platform.
    • Email address. Submit a valid email address for information verification and correspondence.
    • Account password. You’ll create this twice.
    Click “Continue” after providing the necessary information. Once you click “Continue,” you’ll progress to the next step.

  • Step 2: Security Information.

    • Your full name.
    • Select a security question.
    • Provide the answer.
    Click “Continue” after providing the necessary information.

  • Step 3: Personal Information.

    Here, you will receive a congratulatory message welcoming you to a leading financial firm in the world. The statement concludes by wishing you the best of luck while making a passive income and an assurance that we will be with you and provide you with all the needed support to give you a memorable experience as our investor.
    Click and proceed to the sign-in page where you access your account with your username and password. You can log in after giving these pieces of information.

Get in touch

If you have a specific request, please contact us using the support center and someone from our support section will follow up with your request shortly.